About Us

We pour love + care into every single life that we get to touch. Your goals are as important to us as our own. Cultivate is more than just a name, it is our mission. A mission to nurture community, empowerment, and health in every life that we touch.

Our Practice Philosophy

It is our aim at Cultivate Chiropractic to inspire and create changes that impact your families lives in a big way. At the center of that impact is empowering you in the greatness that is already inside you, and the health that is just waiting to be untapped.

In a world where we often feel like we aren’t enough, we want to be a catalyst of change. You are enough. Your child is enough.Those goals that you feel are out of reach- the potential to reach them is already inside you. That glimmer of greatness that you know is there but is getting shadowed by the struggle- let’s bring that to light!

We have a special passion for helping kids, and it is evident from the moment you walk through our doors. In fact over 70% of our patients are children, and we love it! Growing healthy kids that are thriving in their lives will always hold a special place in our heart.


Meet the Doctor Team

Hey there!

We are Dr. Miranda + Dr. Katelyn, your sister doctor duo. Yes, we are actually sisters, and each others only siblings. Fortunate for our parents really, because we are both headstrong and opinionated, and being each others best friends makes us quite the handful. We are a couple of farm girls from real small town Iowa in Otley. Friends, our town has a post office, a church, and CO-OP, and that’s it. We are each others best friends and pretty much a package deal as Dr. Miranda’s husband has learned. We hang out a lot, plan trips together, and call each other daily (truthfully it is normally Dr. Miranda calling Dr. Katelyn). So it just fits that both of us had our own unique chiropractic stories that steered us in the direction of chiropractic, and individually became OBSESSED with the nervous system. So now we get to run a business together and use our individual strengths as chiropractors to take care of you!

Dr. Miranda

As the older sister I obviously get to tell you about myself first. I am the OG sister, and founder of Cultivate after all. I’m a nervous system obsessed chiropractor with some lofty goals of helping kids and adults alike find true health and negate stress. I am a Jesus loving wife to an Instructional Coach at Mitchellville Elementary on the pursuit to become parents in the midst of 5 years of fertility struggles. I am a hype-woman, obsessed with bettering myself and others, a connoisseur of carbs (especially sour candy) and a former barista + current coffee addict.

So let me tell you a little bit about my first love- chiropractic. My first adjustment was at 3 years old and thank the good Lord, because it was a life changer early on for me. I was a sick kid with constant upper respiratory infections. I was a frequent flyer at the doctors office, and I knew the taste of that bubblegum flavored amoxicillin like the back of my hand. That stuff was seriously my favorite treat back in the day which is gross to think about now. Enter in chiropractic and I was finally able to be a healthy kid. Throughout the years chiropractic was always there, and my families first line of defense. By 12 I had enough wins with chiropractic that I knew for sure that I would be a chiropractor and own my own office someday.

Five years ago I loved chiropractic, but today I am on fire for it. I have a bit of an obsessive personality, so when I do something I do it with my whole being. I heard one presentation on how chiropractic effects the nervous system, and I dove heard first into learning more. My whole life I struggled with anxiety and mood regulation. I felt emotions strongly, and I always felt like they were completely out of my control. I was overwhelmed by my environment and emotions easily. I finally found nervous system focused chiropractic care that focused on calming and regulating the very system that controls literally everything. I found a chiropractor that would practice the way I was training to be and with nervous system based care I watched my struggles hormonally and emotionally fade. I found control in myself for the first time in my life.
This is where Cultivate was born out of, and what I seek to provide my community that I have made home. This is where you find chiropractic care that is different than you have ever found before, and results that you have been searching for. I want to be you and your family’s very own hype-women, because together we are going to find health and empowerment like you have never experienced before.

Dr. Katelyn

It’s my turn now, and as the younger sister my parents stopped with perfection. My about me will be much shorter, because unlike Dr. Miranda I don’t feel the need to fill all the silence with words. I have the most handsome Golden Retriever named Jax, and I may be a little obsessed with him. I am a chiropractor with a love for moving my body through lifting and yoga, but definitely don’t ask me to go on a run. Dance parties in my kitchen and vacuuming twice a day is my cardio. My dog is cute, but he sheds a lot! Oh and clothes are my kryptonite, from workout clothes to shopping ads on Instagram I am on the verge of a shopping problem. I am always down for an adventure, and I hate to plan anything out. Plans leave no room for spontaneity in my opinion, and all the best things happen on accident.
You can probably find me sipping on coffee or a good spicy margarita depending on the time of day. I am also quite the connoisseur of craft beer, and never say no to a good outdoor patio.

My journey with chiropractic started much younger with my first adjustment within my first few weeks of life. My story is similar to Dr. Miranda’s with our mom using chiropractic as our first line of defense for literally everything. However, my decision to become a chiropractor came after my own success story with hormones and anxiety. In a time in my life where I felt like life was happening to me with little control, chiropractic gave me that control back.

I would just like to say though, that my own story with chiropractic sparked my passion. I definitely did not just follow in my big sisters foot steps! I fell in love all by myself for my own reasons. I may have a little bit of a little sister syndrome, so that point is important for you to know! But no matter how I found chiropractic teaming up with my sister to grow Cultivate and take care of you is exactly what gets me out of bed in the morning. I want you to find control in your life with chiropractic the same way that I did. It is why I do what I do.



Our passion for chiropractic doesn’t just translate into patient care, it bleeds into our constant desire to always do better and be better as a chiropractors. Don’t get us wrong we know that we are amazing chiropractors, but we have never been content with our knowledge and strategies.

We are constantly training to be better than we were yesterday. We train weekly with the Pediatric Experience to be better at taking care of kids and pregnant women. We are both Webster Certified to make sure we provide the highest level of care to pregnant woman. We are truly obsessed with being better for you.

Testing, Never Guessing

As chiropractors we are amazing at assessing the spine based off of feeling, but do you know what we can’t feel? The nervous system, and the nervous system is at the center of everything we do here! In fact, the reason we are passionate about adjusting the spine is because it is the easiest way to affect and make changes to the way our brain and nervous system functions. In our office we proudly use state-of-the-art Insight Scanning Technology to safely and easily test the function of the nervous system in three different ways. That way we know from day one what is the root cause of your struggles, and if and how we can address your challenges. It is the easiest way to ensure the best results possible from chiropractic care, and we are obsessed with it.

If you’d like to experience the calming and healing effects of chiropractic care we want to meet you! Schedule your first visit with us today!

Meet Dr. Miranda

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      1014 Washington St, Pella IA 50219



      Mon + Wed
      3:00 - 5:30
      9:00 - 1:00
      3:00 - 5:30
      8:00 - 10:00
      3:00 - 5:00

      Cultivate Chiropractic



      Mon + Wed
      3:00 - 5:30
      9:00 - 1:00
      3:00 - 5:30
      8:00 - 10:00
      3:00 - 5:00





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